
Hello followers! The past few weeks have been lovely and hectic for me. I walked in my graduation ceremony and got to see some of my family! I went with my parents to visit potential houses in Portland (they finally decided on one!). And, I found out where I will be moving!

For those of you who haven’t yet heard, I got a real adult job! I will be moving to Japan in November of this year to teach English at a private English conversational school! Only yesterday I discovered the town that I will be relocating to: a small, sea-side town called Izumo in the Shimane prefecture. 

Of course, I plan on maintaing a blog about my experiences teaching and exploring Japan and, instead of making a new one, I thought I would just keep updating this one! My travel blog will evolve into an ex-pat blog! Keep a look out for some research on my new home of Izumo!


6 thoughts on “Update

  1. Cheryl A Madsen says:

    I will let my friend from Japan know, Marilyn Dai. Is it alright to share on Facebook.

    Cheryl Anngrandma grandina

What do you think?