Training in Okayama

おはよう, reader! I'm currently sitting aboard an express train on its way to Izumo. Looking out the window, I see big hills covered in trees, all changing into fall colors. It reminds me of Oregon, so I know I'll like it here. I have also seen, like, a dozen cranes! And it's only been an hour!

I just finished training for my job yesterday. It was pretty intensive week and a half but I got to meet some of the other teachers in the area. It'll be nice to be able to talk to them and share our experiences. And of course, the more friends I have around Japan, the more places I can visit! I will begin teaching for real tomorrow. If it sounds really sudden, I definitely agree. But I guess I have to start some time. Haha! I'm a little nervous of course, but I am confident that it will go well! I just have to remember all the words to “I've Been Working on the Railroad”. (All the live long day?)

In order to tide everyone over while I get settled into my new apartment and new job, I thought I could post some pictures from my training in Okayama. Okayama is an hour and a half train ride from Osaka and is known for its black and gold castle!

Okayama Castle

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Training in Okayama